our story.
What lead to our birth.
Every organization has a unique story of how they came to be. And it usually starts with a man or woman who experiences a trial and a dream—>yet resolves beyond the trial—>to believe that dream can be. We hope this page serves as a snapshot of a man’s journey, trial, dream and resolve...because it's underneath our organization’s history and story...the launchpad to what would become Making Much of Christ Ministries Network (MMCM).
Ok, let’s start from the beginning:
Brandon (Founder of MMCM) was called in 2007 to serve the local church of Reach Worship Center in Stockton, California. At the age of 21, Brandon became the very first student ministries pastor of the church. Alongside his staff, Brandon was able to lead the nursery, elementary, middle, high school, and young adult ministries to triple in size within the first 3 years of his pastorate.
In the fall of 2012, Brandon was challenged to transition into the next phase of leadership; affirmed by the senior pastor to serve as his successor. He began the careful process of preparing for that transition; studying rigorously and training up other leaders around him.
But then everything changed….
On October 22, 2012 at 10:35am, Brandon was involved in a major accident at a local chiropractic office. A casual walk into the chiropractor's office turned into a terrible tragedy that ended with a neck manipulation gone awry. This would completely change the trajectory of both his life and his family's life forever. The trial of suffering had begun.
Brandon suffered major loss of strength from the neck down. In constant neurological pain, Brandon was forced to relinquish his duties as pastor of Reach Worship Center. Simple daily tasks like dressing or showering himself, preparing his own food, and even talking became nearly impossible. Within six months, Brandon was also diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease. This further debilitated his ability to recover and regain independence. The trials had taken a stronghold in his life.
With medical expenses mounting, Brandon and his wife were forced to consolidate their possessions and let go of their home. They; alongside their two young children, moved in with his family to help alleviate tremendous medical expenses associated with his health demands. The persistent onslaught of bills and pain (physical, emotional, and spiritual) threatened to overtake him. However, it was within these dark nights of the soul that God began spiritually restoring Brandon's heart and life in a season Brandon coined as the University of Suffering.
It all began with Jesus…
It wasn’t until I lost everything that I really met the God of the Bible. I learned that I can trust His saving work revealed in Scripture. I learned the ineffectiveness of leaning on my own understanding. Instead, I learned to leap with two feet into the beautiful narrative Jesus prescribes in Scripture. I learned that in any and every circumstance, there is a way to be content and at peace. That sometimes less is more. I learned the art of patience and the concept of loyalty. And most importantly I learned that I can be happy and satisfied with myself...and my story—when I make much of Jesus.
Transitioning to a new land...
So exalting Christ...or “making much of Him” became Brandon's vision and mission above all pursuits. Through a series of events and critical moments, God made it clear that Brandon would need to leave California for Beaverton, Oregon. Continuing comprehensive medical treatment there, Brandon and his family began the next chapter of their story in October 2014.
Over the course of the next two years, Brandon continued to take small steps on his road to recovery; all the while trusting the Lord to provide vision and clarity for his next steps in ministry. Then...after much prayer and thoughtful consideration...Brandon successfully launched Making Much of Christ Ministries in January of 2016 while also serving as the Young Adult Pastor and Staff Coach to Sonrise Church Hillsboro. With the belief that the greatest remedy to all categories of suffering and "purpose of life" questions find their answer in making much of Christ; the mission and vision was set.
The faithfulness of God...
From that day forward, Brandon’s story became our story. MMCM has been blessed with over 9 team members at different stages of our existence. We have had faithful contributors, sponsors, guest writers, content authors, video creators, and more join our cause. We have released our gospel-centered resources and services to anyone and everyone willing to hear our message. A message centered on Jesus that permeates our resources and services. But we are just getting started.
Making Much of Christ Ministries officially became Making Much of Christ Ministries Network on April 25th of 2019. As a network, Making Much of Christ Ministries exists to offer biblical solutions for life’s victories, tragedies, and complexities; through our resources, services, and churches...all for the glory of God. As a network, we are excited to launch our first church plant (Redemption City Church). We are currently praying for other churches to join our aim of making much of Jesus through our network!
Ok, let’s start from the beginning:
Brandon (Founder of MMCM) was called in 2007 to serve the local church of Reach Worship Center in Stockton, California. At the age of 21, Brandon became the very first student ministries pastor of the church. Alongside his staff, Brandon was able to lead the nursery, elementary, middle, high school, and young adult ministries to triple in size within the first 3 years of his pastorate.
In the fall of 2012, Brandon was challenged to transition into the next phase of leadership; affirmed by the senior pastor to serve as his successor. He began the careful process of preparing for that transition; studying rigorously and training up other leaders around him.
But then everything changed….
On October 22, 2012 at 10:35am, Brandon was involved in a major accident at a local chiropractic office. A casual walk into the chiropractor's office turned into a terrible tragedy that ended with a neck manipulation gone awry. This would completely change the trajectory of both his life and his family's life forever. The trial of suffering had begun.
Brandon suffered major loss of strength from the neck down. In constant neurological pain, Brandon was forced to relinquish his duties as pastor of Reach Worship Center. Simple daily tasks like dressing or showering himself, preparing his own food, and even talking became nearly impossible. Within six months, Brandon was also diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease. This further debilitated his ability to recover and regain independence. The trials had taken a stronghold in his life.
With medical expenses mounting, Brandon and his wife were forced to consolidate their possessions and let go of their home. They; alongside their two young children, moved in with his family to help alleviate tremendous medical expenses associated with his health demands. The persistent onslaught of bills and pain (physical, emotional, and spiritual) threatened to overtake him. However, it was within these dark nights of the soul that God began spiritually restoring Brandon's heart and life in a season Brandon coined as the University of Suffering.
It all began with Jesus…
It wasn’t until I lost everything that I really met the God of the Bible. I learned that I can trust His saving work revealed in Scripture. I learned the ineffectiveness of leaning on my own understanding. Instead, I learned to leap with two feet into the beautiful narrative Jesus prescribes in Scripture. I learned that in any and every circumstance, there is a way to be content and at peace. That sometimes less is more. I learned the art of patience and the concept of loyalty. And most importantly I learned that I can be happy and satisfied with myself...and my story—when I make much of Jesus.
Transitioning to a new land...
So exalting Christ...or “making much of Him” became Brandon's vision and mission above all pursuits. Through a series of events and critical moments, God made it clear that Brandon would need to leave California for Beaverton, Oregon. Continuing comprehensive medical treatment there, Brandon and his family began the next chapter of their story in October 2014.
Over the course of the next two years, Brandon continued to take small steps on his road to recovery; all the while trusting the Lord to provide vision and clarity for his next steps in ministry. Then...after much prayer and thoughtful consideration...Brandon successfully launched Making Much of Christ Ministries in January of 2016 while also serving as the Young Adult Pastor and Staff Coach to Sonrise Church Hillsboro. With the belief that the greatest remedy to all categories of suffering and "purpose of life" questions find their answer in making much of Christ; the mission and vision was set.
The faithfulness of God...
From that day forward, Brandon’s story became our story. MMCM has been blessed with over 9 team members at different stages of our existence. We have had faithful contributors, sponsors, guest writers, content authors, video creators, and more join our cause. We have released our gospel-centered resources and services to anyone and everyone willing to hear our message. A message centered on Jesus that permeates our resources and services. But we are just getting started.
Making Much of Christ Ministries officially became Making Much of Christ Ministries Network on April 25th of 2019. As a network, Making Much of Christ Ministries exists to offer biblical solutions for life’s victories, tragedies, and complexities; through our resources, services, and churches...all for the glory of God. As a network, we are excited to launch our first church plant (Redemption City Church). We are currently praying for other churches to join our aim of making much of Jesus through our network!
Providing biblical solutions for life...
HoursTBD Soon!
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Post Office Box 461 Beaverton, OR 97075
© 2016-2019 Making Much of Christ Ministries Network
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